Wednesday 16 February 2011

The People of Britain

England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales called "four nations". The four nation is united and the people who lives in these country called four nations people. All peoples general language is English. Moreover, they uses different languages. Such as, Wales people use 'Walesh', Scotlands people use 'Scottish' and Irelands people use 'Irish' language. There cultures are same but sometimes quit difference.

Tuesday 8 February 2011

The British Parliament

Parliament is a house where make laws. To boserve what is government do and creat new laws is the main duty of parliament. The UK parliament is one of the best parliament of the world. It is situated in the hert of london.

The European Union

When finished the Second World War (1939-1945) some European country decided to create a union where they discus their financial matters and political situation and build the earth peaceful from the destruction of the war. So, built an union name European Union (EU). In 1950s Britain didn't join this European Economic Community (EEC) because they saw the future of  this union was related with USA. France didn't want Britain to join the EEC and grow their relationship with USA in nuclear matter. But a referendum which arrange by people vote was held in 1975. Now over 40% of world business belongs to the European Union.
